The key to success in designing a garden is to think outside the box. By doing this you will be opening up new opportunities for your garden and help it to become unique to you.
Think about where you want to plant your garden. You will need to work out the best place to place the plants in so that they will grow well together. Once you have decided what type of garden you would like to have you will be able to make a plan to make it happen.
Do you want to allow more sunlight into your garden? Some plants will need to have the correct conditions in order to do well. If you decide that you would like to use plants that will require less sunlight, then you will need to consider what type of plants you will be using. If you have been considering putting a patio in, then think about planting trees that can shade the patio.
Planting herbs is a good idea if you are a herbalist. If you do not have any herbs you can choose to plant plants that are commonly used in herbal teas. Plants such as mint and lemongrass can add a wonderful fragrance to any garden.
Plants that are hardy are ideal. Hardy plants will take a lot of abuse, but they are not very easy to grow. If you are thinking about growing trees or bushes then make sure they are hardy before planting them in your garden.
The type of soil you choose will affect the growth of your plants. Choosing a garden which is sandy, will be ideal for herbs as they love sandy soil. Make sure that the soil you use is rich in nutrients. This will ensure that your plants receive the nutrients they need.
Watering is another important factor in the design of your garden. If you have a pond in your garden, then make sure you give the plants that live near the pond regular water. You should also keep some plants close to the pond as they will be receiving the best drainage.
It is also a good idea to plan how you will be using your garden after it has been created. A good way to get your thoughts on paper is to use a garden planning software program.
Garden design software allows you to enter your ideas into it and you can build a garden from the ideas that you have entered. You will be able to find one that is perfect for you and be able to develop your garden design from the same software.
The space that you have available in your garden is another factor to consider when designing your garden. You can work with your garden space by placing different types of plants so that you can create your own mini-garden. You can also plant different types of flowers so that they look harmonious in your garden.
The most important thing to remember is that you should be creative and open-minded when designing your garden. By allowing yourself to be creative you will find that you can achieve a garden design that you will be happy with.