There are a number of questions that need to be answered in order to properly develop a garden design. Often these are more important than the actual design of the garden. What is the shape of the area?
How large is the area and how many people will be using it? Will there be sufficient heat, lighting, and water for the entire house? These are all questions that should be answered before making any decisions about how to design a garden.
After this information is gathered, then the questions begin to form as to what design should be the most appropriate area for the garden. Should there be some natural elements such as water or plants? Are there any plants that will require more water than other types of plants? Is there any local weather where I live?
A perfect garden design should be one that satisfies everyone. There are some plants that can survive in poor soil or when there are not enough sunlight and others that thrive with more sunlight. Knowing these basic details can help the designer create a garden design that is right for their house.
Now that the layout of the garden has been determined, it is time to add the plants and make sure that they will fit into the current design of the garden. For instance, if there is no area in the garden for a tree, that may not be the best place for a shrub or small bush.
The next aspect of the garden design should be to add plants to the place where they will thrive best. This is the time to think about color and whether you want all the plants to be the same color or some of them will be different colors. The colors and patterns of the plants will be one of the highlights of the garden.
Depending on what your budget will allow, you may decide to purchase a “do it yourself” greenhouse so that you can put your plants in there. There are two advantages to this; first, it can save you money, and second, you can control the temperature.
One of the most important elements of the future garden design is to place all the plants where they will receive the maximum amount of sunlight and that is most likely on the southern side of the house. You need to be sure that no part of the house receives too much sunlight. It will cause problems such as fading or discoloration of the plants.
Along with the hot sun comes the hot air from a furnace. This air needs to be trapped. If the plants will be under a roof, you will have the added benefit of heating the air under the plants to eliminate drafts and enable optimal air circulation.
Once plants are placed in the right place, it is time to get the soil ready for planting. This is another thing that can be done by yourself or you can hire someone to do it for you.
One of the best aspects of having the perfect garden design is being able to plant the plants and enjoy them year after year. If this is something that is desired, then it is time to start planning.