A lot of people like to learn how to be successful. They read books, listen to audio cassettes, or even watch videos that tell them how to be successful in life. However, most people fail to apply that knowledge, and as a result, a lot of what they learn is ultimately wasted.
I know I am guilty of this myself. I once learned about the importance of setting personal goals but never applied that knowledge. For some reason, I studied it, became interested in it, but took it no further. But later I then heard an expression that changed the way I looked at and ultimately used the information I acquired.
That expression was, “what’s the pointing of learning something if you never use it”. As soon as I heard that saying, I realized that I had been learning lots of things, but never applying them in my life. Learning how to set goals, was one of those things.
So Why Is Goal Setting Important Anyway?
Taking the time to sit down and write out your personal goals is perhaps one of the most important things you can do for yourself. And incidentally, all successful people set themselves goals. That in itself should be a big enough reason to set them!
What Are Goals?
Goals are simply the things you want to do in life, and by writing them down you can clarify exactly what you want and how you are going to accomplish them.
Most people have a vague idea of what they want to achieve in life, and keep these vague ideas in their heads. However, because they are vague ideas the action they take to accomplish those goals is also vague. And as a result, usually ineffective.
Personal Goals Will Focus The Mind
So writing down goals on a piece of paper allows you to decide exactly what you want to do in life. Once you know what you want to do, you can then create a specific plan of action to accomplish those goals.
It’s like giving yourself a map and compass to reach a certain destination in life. Without that map and compass you would most likely lose your way, and never get to where you want to go.
This is the real value of goals, as they help to give your life meaning, direction, and a sense of purpose. These things will also come to a sense of control, which will also make you feel happier with yourself. You will be steering your life in the direction you want it to go, rather than being blown around like a leaf in the wind.
Set Yourself Some Goals!
So take some time to think about the things you want to accomplish in life. Write them down on a piece of paper, and create a plan as to how you will achieve those goals. It might just be the most important and valuable exercise you ever do.