Has asthma changed your lifestyle completely for many years? Suffering from asthma is obviously no fun and can have quite a negative effect on the daily lives of sufferers, especially children.
Conventional treatments and remedies almost always help to a certain degree. But one must as… are there any other effective methods to supplement my existing treatment?
Some “alternative” methods for asthma treatment relief include chiropractic manipulation of the spine and rib cage which is thought to improve lung function.
Another alternative non-conventional method for asthma treatment involves acupuncture which is thought to somehow improve the breathing process, however, there is no conclusive evidence on this method.
Though not right for everyone, many sufferers of asthma have found relief through the use of alternative herbal medicines in addition to their current asthma treatment.
Herbal medicines can help treat a wide spectrum of conditions and can act as anything from a natural weight loss, to the treatment of insomnia.
Natural asthma formulas usually contain a range of ingredients including blood root, St. John’s Wort, mullein, saw palmetto, wild cherry bark, amongst others. These natural ingredients work together to effectively aid the process of breathing.
Besides the above, using traditional Chinese medicine magnolia flower bud (essential oil) can really relieve asthma attacks on adults and children.
So now you’re aware that there are other methods to help treat asthma. Keep in mind that you should never add to, or alter any component of your current asthma treatment without first consulting your physician.
Ask your doctor about “alternative” treatments and become educated on all possible avenues of asthma treatment relief.